RAIDMAP (RAw IDeas for MAterials Projects) is an advanced Education initiative, supported by EIT – Raw Materials, that consists in training “new” (engineering students) and “old” (professionals) generations at cooperating for the development of innovative ideas for future research projects in the field of Raw Materials, Recycling and Substitution. RAIDMAP brings together students and industry through real technological issues, and is based on
- Local events, properly designed in order to match students’ fresh ideas with professionals’ experience, approaching existing industrial issues on themes such as circular economy, recyclability and substitution of critical raw materials; students coached by professional tutors will develop a project idea and will present their idea to a board of experts;
- Final event, in which selected ideas will be further developed and elaborated, and presented in an international contest, to check their potential for becoming real research projects or startups in the frame of the EIT-Raw Materials calls.
Students involved in RAIDMAP Project develop the following competencies:
- Understanding the main issues related to Raw Materials and to their main criticality issues (availability, supply risk, environmental footprint, etc);
- Knowledge on the basic structure of a Research Project (structure, work organisation, business plan, budget, evaluation of impacts, etc);
- Working in a multidisciplinary and international team with colleagues with different backgrounds and cultural heritage, and with industrial tutors, joined together to develop new “European” ideas in the field of Raw Materials;
- Capability of presenting project idea and structure in an international competitive context
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Edition 2020: